How do you prevent inappropriate urination?

By Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB One study suggested that it’s best to wait until the pup is 12 weeks old before spaying to reduce incontinence. Some people will let their dog go through her first heat (estrus cycle or period) to allow it to develop more naturally, however, there have not been any supportive studies […]

When should you see a vet about your dog’s inappropriate urination?

By Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB It’s best to speak to your veterinarian early if you notice signs of inappropriate urination, especially if it has never happened before. Aside from puppies that need house training, involuntary urination or incontinence is usually a sign of an underlying issue, especially if other symptoms are observed.  In addition, if […]

How is inappropriate urination diagnosed?

By Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB Your vet will ask you a detailed history to determine the type of inappropriate urination that your dog is exhibiting: Are they urinating a larger volume than normal, or is it short, small volumes? Are they drinking more water, losing weight, not eating well or eating more than normal? When […]

How can you treat your dog’s bladder mishaps?

By Dr. Sarah Myers, DVM. Reviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB Many of the causes of inappropriate urination are treatable with the help of your veterinarian. If there is an underlying condition, that must be dealt with first in order to get the urinating issue under control. Treatment for common causes include the following:   […]

What causes inappropriate urination in dogs?

By Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB The most common cause of incontinence in spayed female dogs is Urinary Sphincter Mechanism Incontinence (USMI).  Male dogs rarely get urinary incontinence, but it is possible and diagnostic tests are needed to investigate the cause. USMI is a very common condition in spayed females, it is diagnosed by a simple […]

What does inappropriate urination or incontinence look like?

By Dr. Elizabeth Davis, MVB Inappropriate urination inside or around the house is often due to urinary incontinence, a medical term referring to the involuntary leakage or urine. As the name implies, your dog is not aware that they are urinating.  It is typically seen as urinary accidents when a dog is sleeping and completely […]

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