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When should you see a vet about your dog’s cloudy eyes?

When you notice your dog has cloudy spots in the eyes, pay special attention to any symptoms associated with eye problems. For example, observe for a change in the eye shape, color, vision, and size. Apart from this, look for thick discharge, squinting, redness, and cloudiness. 

If your dog is pawing at their face and/or rubbing their face on various surfaces often, it’s likely a sign that their eyes are irritated or in pain and need medical attention.

If you’re unsure about the underlying cause for your dog’s cloudy eyes, contact your veterinarian. It’s always better to err on the side of caution than to wait too long to get an issue checked out.

Eye Issues That Need Urgent Veterinary Attention

Sometimes eye issues can be ophthalmic emergencies, and require a fast diagnosis in order to save the dog’s vision.

If you notice any of the following symptoms or if your dog appears to be in pain, contact your nearest emergency clinic or animal hospital immediately:

  • Bulging of the eye out of the socket or dislocation of the lens
  • Bleeding in the eye (especially if your dog can’t close their eyelids)
  • Foreign objects in the eye that are causing extreme distress, eyelid spasms or can’t be removed easily (i.e. sand, metal fragments, glass shards, other small objects)
  • Extreme trauma or penetrating injuries to the eye (i.e. lead pellets, splinters, cactus)
  • Glaucoma (the earlier the diagnosis the better to avoid potential vision loss)
  • Corneal injuries (tearing, squinting, discoloration, bulging or other abnormalities)
  • Acute vision loss (sudden blindness in one or both eyes)
Pawing, rubbing or scratching at their face are often signs of irritated eyes