Health Topics  >  Respiratory  > Discharge from Nose

How can I treat my dog’s nasal discharge at home?

For a dog with just a slightly runny nose and maybe more sneezing or reverse-sneezing than usual, certain antihistamines can be used safely. Your veterinarian’s office will be able to advise you of a safe over-the-counter product and dose to use. It’s important to note that not all forms of drugs are appropriate.

If your dog is having a nosebleed, the same sorts of tips and tricks we use with people can come in handy. Get an absorbent cloth and apply gentle pressure at the site of bleeding. This may take several minutes. 

Nosebleeds in dogs are pretty rare, but when it happens, keep your dog calm and try to gently stop the bleeding. If the bleeding doesn’t stop within a few minutes, this is a sign of something more serious.

Keep your dog as calm as possible as elevated blood pressure will increase bleeding. If they will allow it, you can also try placing a cold pack over their muzzle.

Call your veterinarian if the bleeding has not stopped within a few minutes. This could be an emergency situation. Even if it does stop bleeding, you’ll want to make an appointment with your veterinarian to determine why it happened in the first place.

If your dog has thick, mucoid, green, yellow, or bloody nasal discharge, you should always seek prompt veterinary attention.

Pro Tip:

To stop your dog’s nose from bleeding, apply gentle pressure at the bridge of the nose with an absorbent cloth and keep your dog calm.

Don’t tilt your dog’s head backwards or stick something into their nostril. If bleeding does not stop, you need to contact a veterinary hospital right away.

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