Health Topics  >  Skin and Coat  > Lumps and Masses

A veterinarian’s advice on dealing with skin lumps and masses in dogs

The most important thing for you to consider as a pet owner, is when to discuss your dog’s skin lump or mass with your  veterinary team. In case the mass is a concern and needs further evaluation, early detection can be very important.

The criteria to remember are:

  1. When a new mass is first identified
  2. If a known mass is growing larger
  3. If a known mass changes in color – for example becoming darker
  4. If a known mass changes in texture – for example becoming firmer
  5. If your dog starts taking notice of a previously ignored mass by licking at it or rubbing it on the carpet


When you find a lump, make a note of where and when you found it, as well as descriptors such as size and feel. Update this if you find new ones or if they become larger. This information will be useful for veterinarians, especially if you choose to ‘wait and see’. 


Pro Tip: Note details about lumps regularly – where is it? When did you first notice it? What does it look and feel like? How big is it? In particular, noting changes will be useful for veterinarians.

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