Health Topics  >  Neurological  > Seizures

What can you do when your dog is having a seizure?

When your dog is having a seizure, your biggest concern is for their safety. Given that collapse or jerking motions are usually displayed, move away any nearby hazards to avoid potential injuries. 

If you are unable to remove the hazards, add a cushion or blanket as padding in case your dog thrashes up against it. Don’t move your dog unless you absolutely must. If they are in danger because of where they collapsed, gently drag them to a safer area.

What many people do not realize is that touch, smells, and sound all have the ability to prolong seizures. Do whatever you can to create a calm, dim and quiet environment so that the seizure ends as soon as possible. You can turn off or dim lights, turn off any music or the TV, close any nearby curtains, and make sure everyone leaves the room. Then you need to monitor your dog while remaining calm. 

If you are panicking, your dog will sense this, and it will only make things worse. Do not try to open your dog’s mouth or pull their tongue out as they are likely to accidentally bite you.

Your vet is going to ask you questions about the seizure afterwards, so it is helpful if you have as much information for them as possible. Time the seizure if you can. Vets like to know how long they last. 

It’s always a good idea to take a video if you can – this way your vet can see exactly how the seizure looked and how your dog reacted. It is also helpful to pay attention to how they behaved once the seizure ended, did they seem normal afterwards or really out of it.  Did they lose control of their bladder or bowels?