What can I do if my dog is peeing more?

If your dog is urinating more frequently, it’s important to pay attention to the color and smell of the urine:

  • Urine that is dark in color or highly fragrant may indicate an infection.
  • Urine that is straw or clear in color may indicate problems with urine concentration.

It’s also important to note whether your dog seems uncomfortable when they are urinating. This includes:

  • Straining to produce urine
  • Vocalization while urinating
  • Increased licking or chewing around their genitals
Details about the frequency, amount, color and smell are all helpful for your veterinarian to arrive at the underlying cause for increased urination.

Taking your dog’s water away will not solve the underlying problem, so please always leave fresh water available for your dog.

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do at home to prevent or treat polyuria – veterinary attention will be needed to identify the underlying cause. It’s also important to differentiate between increased urination and urinary incontinence (defined as involuntary leakage or urine), which occurs when your dog is not aware that they are urinating.

Collecting a urine sample from your dog will allow your veterinarian to run a variety of tests to help determine the underlying issue. This is something you could do ahead of the vet visit, preferably the morning of the appointment. If you can’t get the urine sample to the veterinarian within 4 hours of collection, put it in the refrigerator.

Pro Tip: Collect a urine sample (preferably first thing in the morning) and store it in the refrigerator.

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